Saturday, November 27, 2010

What would I like to be in life?

Cuti sekolahh.. ye.. school holiday..

Kite ade banyakk mase kan? Even sampai kekadang dah terlebih mase rase rindu untuk kembali ke Kolej Islam sedangkan time ade kat sane bile nak exam terase nak balik rumah sebab.. rase tak cukup mase utk study kat sane..

Hmm sitting alone in this chair.. Nothing to do.. Make me think about something in future.. About my life..
What would I be in the future?

Err.. Is this question are talking about ambition??


Am I going to open a clinic like my father do? Sometimes I just think to tell the truth! No! My hearts says that I was just.. I was just.. I was just..

want to be a.. err a.. err a..

   T E  A  C H  E  R  !

     You may laugh at this.You may ask, " Why should you be a teacher? Why not military officer, or go into business? Politic is another profession much sought after; why not take that up? By following one of these professions, you will gain respect in the public eye and money in the bank " .

     You may be right, but I think differently. When you see general or a field-marshal, you are over-awed by his dignity and position. A government officer impresses you as a powerful person. A merchant has a lot of wealth; a small fraction of it could make one rich. Politician run the Goverment, and are, no doubt, very important people. But did you ever to think to whom they owe all this dignity and grandeur? Some teachers have equipped one and all of them with knowledge and wisdom which have made them great.

     Some people thinks that teachers job is very dull and monotonous. Whatever she or he knows he passes it to his pupils   and has no chance to improve his own knowledge; his pupils can teach him nothing. But in reality it is not so. For children are a great and important study for themselves. The more one deals with them the more one learns.

       Besides, a teacher has a lot of spare time to read books and acquire further knowledge. We should not forget that a good teacher has to be an intelligent reader too.

      It is usually stated that the teaching profession is no good because a teacher cannot earn much wealth. I fail to understand why it is necessary to have money all of which we need not to spend or cannot spend in a noble way. I do not want to be a millionaire; as a matter of fact; I would hate to be one.
Err err haha. Terase mcm dah tulis karangan dah kat atas tuh. Padahal citer pendapat je kenape tetibe aku terase nk jadi ciikgu. Tak kisah lah ape aku jadi di masa depan. Yang penting untuk sementare waktu ni aku try my best to achieve 11A+ SPM 2011. Ya allah, bantu lah aku.